My 35mm Photo Gallery
Everything is now back as it was on my old site. Newer stuff to be found on my large format pages.Brand new: I have a new site with scanned large scale slides, and one with large scale prints. See the embedded links below.
The following 35mm images were converted from a PHOTO-CD. (Please adjust your JPEG viewer to get pleasing colors from your computer/monitor equipment.)Most 35mm images were made using a
- Zeiss-Ikon Contessa view camera (since 1967)
(lens: Tessar 2,8/45mm) - Zeiss-Ikon Contaflex Super BC SLR camera (since 1976)
(lenses: Tessar 2,8/50mm, Pro-Tessar 3,2/35mm, Pro-Tessar 4/115mm) - Zeiss Yashica Contax RTS SLR camera (since 1988)
(lenses: Distagon 2,8/25mm, Distagon 2,8/35mm, PC-Distagon 2,8/35mm, Planar 1,4/50mm, S-Planar 2,8/60mm, Sonnar 2,8/135mm, Tele-Tessar 4/300mm)
This page contains quite a number of inline .GIF pictures.
Most inline GIFs act as a link to a larger 24bit JPEG image.
The first block deals with Large Format Photography
Glass and Variations

Taking a large slide on 18x24cm Ektachrome sheet film of some mixed drinks.
The result, (but this is a 35mm SLR photo, because I had no way to put the large slide on the WWW, but see here, this has changed).

A tea set by Rosenthal, designed by Luigi Colani. (See here for the original large format slide.)

A blue glass. (See here for the original large format slide.)

Taking a large slide on 18x24cm Ektachrome sheet film of some old bottles.

The result, but this is a 35mm SLR photo. (See here for the original large format slide.)

A stillife of beautiful glasses. (See here for the original large format slide.)

A famous Japanese dish: Sushi. (See here for the original large format slide.)
Many of my large scale slides can be found here.
The second block consists of some 35mm images
Food and Nature

A famous French dish: Assiette de fruits de mèr.
A flying saucer above Frankfurter Stadtwald.

Spring impression from a park in Frankfurt.

Small organisms (lichen) living on old wood. (See here for a large format print of this subject.)

I found this beautiful window in Zürich (Switzerland).
Submini glowing clothes-pegs.

Quiberon en Bretagne en France.
La côte de l'Atlantique bretonne.

Une château bretonne.

Praha (Prague). (See here for a large format print of this subject.)

Praha (Prague).

Praha (Prague).

Praha (Prague).

An old town in Germany (Schmalkalden in Thüringen).

My favorite Photo Studio (Foto Kley, Germany).
Modern Linz/Donau

Ars Electronica 1984 in Linz (with Isaho Tomita).
Klangwolke in Linz 1994.
Finally some miscellaneous JPEGs

Back to rudolf mittelmann photography.Or go on to my second gallery about railroading and model railroading.
last edited on Nov 25, 2002