IPA Beer notes, Craftbeer notes

IPA Beer notes, Craftbeer notes

n: nose t: taste f: finish c: color r: remark

rating: I generally use 5 levels of rating, from worst to best: — – m + ++

normal beer, good beer drinkable, m I would order it in restaurant, + I like it and would buy it, ++ I love it and try to have it in stock in unmittelBAR

It began in 2014 on my first trip to New York City. A friend fetched us from the airport and brought us to our hotel, late evening, and then showed as a place with a wonderful view over Manhatten.

Then he insisted we should go with him in a bar, where he wanted to show us a really interesting beer, an IPA, which was completely new to us.

My wife preferred to have a good whiskey, but I fell in love with my very first IPA.

That was the beginning…